Thursday, June 5, 2008

The view from 7 days out

So by now I'm not so entirely stressed out as I was last Friday when I first started making a formal list of things to be done. (Yes, I actually typed up a list with check boxes and everything.) A HUGE praise is how my support is coming in! I've been telling people again and again that when the Bible says "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21 ) that it feels very real to me right now. At the beginning of this whole thing my prayers were something like "Yes, I know You own the cattle on a thousand hills, yes I believe You want me in Georgia, so yes, I know You can provide the funds, but honestly, Jesus, I really don't expect You to give me $6500 in 4 months- so as long as you can make sure I don't go completely broke down there, we're good to go." But now about 4 months later, just about all the funding I will need for the year has already been given or people have pledged monthly amounts- and I find myself asking: "God, why did you still want to bless me like this even after I didn't expect you to?" And I'm quite humbled.

So on to the actual moving- next Thursday night promises to be an evening of strategic packing and cramming of epic proportions, as I'm allowed to take my art supplies with me as well- and while I've joked that I've carried my studio on my back the last 4 years, the actual set up takes up a bit more space than that. For all of you who know I've shared half of a smallish bedroom my whole life- I'm actually getting a small cluster of rooms more-or-less to myself! Yeah! as in a bedroom and another room and a bathroom... I haven't fully processed that yet...nope, not even close. In fact I get visions of myself crammed into a smallish corner with all my stuff crowded around me simply because I'm used to life that way. Yet I'm blown away by the blessing of having room to really spread out my personal things and my art supplies for the year.

The other new and exciting development is that I will be plunked down in Georgia in a 14-bed house BY MYSELF for the first 10 days- yep, the woman I'm living with goes on vacation the day I get there. So I get visions of myself raiding her cupboards to locate a frying pan and some pepper so I can fry an egg for breakfast. Considering I'm also used to living with three other (delightful!) people in my business 24-7, I'm not quite sure how to process 10 days solo- so I'm happy I'll be at the mission doing graphics work from 8-5 during the week with other mission people a quick shout down the road. Actually, when I think about it, the house may be quite interesting as she has a dog, a cat, and two birds on the premises- oh! and she has a garden! This makes the veggie-monster side of me quite happy. That about wraps it up for now- I'll be sure to give everyone a holler after I get myself at least marginally unpacked.

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