Saturday, May 10, 2008

The beginning, a very good place to start

First of all, I am so thankful for how supportive and enthusiastic everyone is about my trip and the work I'll be doing in approximately one month down in Madison. As I run into random people in public or the workplace, I get a broad spectrum of responses from an awkward, "oh... that's...nice" to "that's a great starting job, it will look great on your resume!" to the final, and most appreciated response "that's GREAT I'm so happy for you, praise God!" because those people truly understand WHY I'm going. And so judging by the fact that you have chosen to read my blog, I'm guessing you're among this latter group of supportive folks. If you belong to one of the curious or skeptical first two groups, welcome! I hope you can come to see why I'm so enthusiastic about this opportunity to use my gifts and talents for the Lord.

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