Sunday, November 23, 2008

Clearly, it is time to update

Greetings to all- I cannot BELIEVE Thursday is Thanksgiving! It's one of those things that I thought about in June when I moved down here and it sounded like one of those distant future events that you aren't sure will really ever occur- well unless Christ comes back, it's looking like a real good probability! The weather is unusually cold down here at the moment- which I blame in part on my northern presence down here. (Although I've heard from several reliable sources that life is pretty unseasonably cold up in PA already too- snow before Thanksgiving?! when was the last time that happened?)

Life is humming right along down here at the moment. The old building at the mission is being yanked down all around me. I opened the door to the former pre-press room the other day and was abruptly greeted by a half-demolished cavern- it was a very Narnia- ish experience. My work is all over the place right now- but a whole bunch of stuff is getting done all at once, so I'm thrilled! We have a local woman available to pick up the Spanish proofing where Iris left off, so periodically I leave off the English BBT course I'm working on and correct the Spanish proofs- and periodically I leave off the BBT book I'm currently working on to correct one of the books I've already sent around for proofing. Working in English definitely has those perks- instant proofing- we're all native speakers! :) And while the details like elipsis and quotation marks and italics can all get a bit tedious, each course that's corrected and sent back out is one step closer to the press, and thus to the people who will use it, thus my work fulfilling the Great Commission- which has me quite excited!!

One prayer request would be getting the covers worked out for the BBT (Basic Bible Truths) series worked out. This is the course that other man had been working on and we don't have the finalized files for them- which means I have more booklets ready for print than I have covers for, this does not have me pleased. After a great deal of searching, it appears our only options are: a) waiting for him to e-mail me back with the files I need or b) hoping they just ditch the whole idea and let me re-design them the way I want them (there are a few Marianne and I and the Philip the web-pressman aren't particularly fond of)- we'll just have to ride it out and see.

The couple I'm living with and I have been listening to Turning Point every morning at breakfast, and this whole month, David Jeremiah is talking about being thankful. It's been a great help, because while I would generally consider myself a thankful person, I realize I still tend to find that one fly in the ointment as it were, and exploit it, even if it's just to myself. I've been working on that and I have to say I'm just very peaceful, joyful, and thankful at the moment- it's amazing what a tune-up for my perspective will do! Mostly I have a great deal of peace about coming back to Source of Light on a long-term basis. This is something I've been trying to work through for a while, facing some uncertainty, but I feel very peaceful about it and so I'm waiting on the Lord to work out the details of how this will take shape- but I know He will work it out, and better than I would be able to- long-term planner that I am.

In my down time (yeah right!) I'm working on the finishing touches of a Civil War ballgown my friend Karis started, but didn't finish. Evidently every year there is a Christmas tour of Antebellum homes here in Madison, and they need docents to stand in the house, say a bit about the room and it's history and make sure people don't steal things- so I will be going with her in costume the first weekend in December to do that- I'm getting really excited! She will be in a Victorian bustle dress- and don't worry, we'll take LOTS of pictures :) Right now I think I will head out for a walk while we still have a bit of afternoon warmth and sun. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!