Sunday, August 24, 2008

lesson changes and changes that become lessons

I'm sure it's become apparent that I didn't fix my error that evening. So now I face the task of trying to encapsulate all the events of the last month into a blog entry that won't break the scroll wheel on your mice ;) To begin with, I have moved in with Fran and Gil Busenitz since Judy moving to Eatonton at the end of July. I know God wants me here because He makes no mistakes, and there are lessons in everything, though I must say it was quite an adjustment going from living quite independently at Dix Lodge with Judy and I here and there to the Busenitz, who are a sweet couple in their late 60's with a definite pattern for day-to-day life. So while I'm used to grabbing a bowl of cereal, mug of coffee, and my Bible and heading to my desk for devotions, I've adopted their pattern of half hour to forty-five minute personal devotions before breakfast, followed by hot cereal with toast and fruit listening to Turning Point on the radio. I've noticed that I get more out of my devotions now that they're more structured and my prayer life is more consistent, too- both things I've been desiring for a while even before I left to come down here. It's also been a lesson in humility, as Fran, sweetheart that she is, has pretty much taken over cooking and laundry- something I was actually really enjoying as part of my independent adult life, willingly submitting to the pattern of life in their household has been a process over the last few weeks, but God is working with me.

Now for the lesson changes...
Ray Walker, in thinking over this whole overhaul, has decided we are shuffling how the lessons are dispersed between booklets, which is good because it will save paper in the long run. This was pretty easy to do with the newer books, however, after weeks of avoiding it, I had to tackle the first series I worked on when I got here, because it too had to be shuffled around. InDesign files that were Quark files do strange things the more you copy and paste them- like odd text wraps and layers- it's made me feel like some kind of file detective or doctor, diagnosing the situation or hunting down the culprit responsible for the mysterious missing text in my caption boxes. I've uncovered most of the mysteries and so thankfully I won't have to spend too much time on that series the second time around.
On the end of the lessons I'm building up from scratch, I'm humming along quite well! Each book you do gives more insight into the best order to aproach things like adding text and images and fixing hyphenations, but I think each little tweak I make in the process helps me avoid doing things twice or the long way around. I have high hopes of getting through Spanish at least a month ahead of schedule, although be praying that the woman who contacted us from North Carolina will be able to move down here short-term and do our proofing on-site, because we can't print the re-designed work until we know all the text came over from the scans properly. There is also a distinct probablility that our office will be moving. Initially it was thought that we were safe from the demolition zone, but after the work team this past week gutted half the building (I'm thankful for noise-cancelling earphones ;) it became apparent at least one wall of our office has to go too. I had visions of sitting there working and a sledge hammer randomly crashing through the wall behind me, however they will move us before they start that.

Last week we also had the "Go Tell" crusade here in Madison. It was an old-fashioned Billy Graham affair, and I had the privilege of helping with counseling for the people who came forward to make decisions. And while the crusade was primarily an outreach to the unsaved, I came away realizing how much I miss the opportunities I had to share my faith in day-to-day life when I was literally surrounded by non-believers for the majority of my life. It also made me realize just how many opportunities I had to share Christ that I didn't respond and how I hope I never take them for granted again. The last night was my best counseling night, I had two 15 year-old girls on of which re-dedicated her life Wednesday night and the other who re-dedicated on Saturday at the kick-off. I was excited to share with them the things I've been taught and have learned about how to grow closer to Christ. As I shared them, I was struck with how simple, and yet profoundly true they were- like the children's song we taught to the toddlers " Read your Bible, pray everyday, and you'll grow, grow, grow" And yet the everyday part of that is so true, the Holy Spirit needs building materials in our lives to build us into the image of Christ, and if we aren't giving Him a regular supply to work with, it makes His job that much harder and our lives that much less effective for Christ. Their names are Lynn and Shalie, and I've now added them to my prayer list right alongside Kayla, the 13 year-old granddaughter of Ernie and Peggy Hill at the mission. She just accepted Christ about three weeks ago while staying with her grandparents here and volunteering at the mission. While she's back in Florida now, I've made a committment to disciple and encourage her and just try to be a big sister for her, and I'm excited to do that for these girls as well. It's funny how I originally wanted to teach art lessons as a way of meeting kids to disciple or witness to, and how God has given me three girls this way that I have the opportunity to impact. I'd appreciate prayer for wisdom, compassion, and understanding in this. Keeping in touch with people is a sacrifice of both time and energy, and I'm learning day by day that ministering to people like this is what God has called all of us too just as much as He's called me to do graphics work here at Source of Light at this point in my life. I love you all, and I'm sorry this update is so late in coming- the bios battery on my laptop died now, too, and until I get it replaced, my free time to update people on-line is hard to come by. Thankfully Gil booted up the OLD Dell in the computer room and that is where I am currently. Praise the Lord He provides my NEEDS, not always my fast, Apple G4 laptop desires :) God Bless

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Praises and prayers

I'm having some technical difficulties- I'll work out the glitches tonight- sorry! :(